Saturday, December 21, 2013

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Symptoms of Brain Tumor Based on Location2013-12-20 14:32 Brain tumor is a form of abnormal cell that grows on the brain surface. While there are sti

Symptoms of Brain Tumor Based on Location2013-12-20 14:32

Brain tumor is a form of abnormal cell that grows on the brain surface. While there are still no specific conclusions about what cause this tumor, brain tumor can creates different types of symptoms. Different brain tumor symptoms caused by the tumor location on the brain surface, and the symptoms can vary widely. This can grow not only on the brain, but also on part that is directly connected to the brain, like spinal cord.

Most people usually connect severe headache and seizures as brain tumor symptoms, but that is not always the case. While it is true that the growing tumor tissue can create pressure on your brain, the symptoms do not always come out as seizures.

Symptoms Based on Tumor Locations

Here are brain tumor symptoms that are caused by tumor that grows on the different brain areas:

Temporal Lobe

Tumor in this area causes symptoms such as difficulties in forming, creating or connecting words into sentences. You can also experience frequent deja vu, temporary memory loss (in short term) and even the feeling that you hear someone talks in your head.

Frontal Lobe

Brain tumor symptoms that come from this area include psychological changes like apathy, aggressive feeling and even drastic personality changes, such as tendency to swear and angered easily. You may also suffer from difficulties in walking and speaking, losing your smelling sense, and even feel weak on just one side of the body.

Occipital Lobe

This disease in this area means disturbance in your sight, whether on one eye or both.

Parietal Lobe

Tumor in this area means mostly communication problems, such as hard to understand verbal words, and difficulties in writing and speaking coherently. As addition, you may feel num in some parts of your body.

Brain Stem

This disease can also grow in this area, and brain tumor symptoms that come from this include difficulties in seeing, swallowing and coordinating your movements, and even the feeling that you see everything double.


This often happens to kids, and the symptoms can consist of severe headache, constant sickness like high fever, problems with the eyes and even hard to coordinate movements.


Symptoms that root from here are, such as, stiffness in your neck, frequent dizziness and sick feeling, and your eye movements are hard to control.

Knowing these brain tumor symptoms earlier will help you or your family members in early diagnostic.


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