Monday, November 18, 2013

cancer, prostate cancer, cancer treatment, what is cancer, colorectal cancer ,bone cancer

Poem on Cancer (Prakash Kadam)2013-11-18 08:03 What would you do in 5 short years? Would you make them the most or hide from your fears? Our little C

Poem on Cancer (Prakash Kadam)2013-11-18 08:03

What would you do
in 5 short years?
Would you make them the most
or hide from your fears?
Our little Cory
chose to live
Every day with a smile
and love to give
Though stricken with cancer
before he was one
his journey through life
had only begun
No matter how bad
he might have felt
He always knew how
to make your heart melt
Living life to its fullest
Each day he Awoke
He could make you smile
Every time he spoke
He filled the room
with laughter and tears
And touched many lives
in his 5 short years

He had a surprise
if you took his hand
then walk you outside
to his baseball land
It was the game he loved
more than anyone you know
Once his bat in hand
He'd put on a show
He would talk of his pets
if you'd lend him an ear
or anything else
you'd take time to hear
There were no strangers
to Cory Duane
He cared for everyone
no matter their name
The most amazing child
for such a young man
He looked up to his father
---- His biggest fan

When he was picked up at school
he beat all the kids out
with his arms opened wide
"That's my Dad" he would shout

They would wait on his brother
before going home with Dad
And spend the whole weekend playing
with every toy he had
He would tease his brothers
in his superman Jammies
and rock his guitar
like those at the Grammy's
Course Nana and Papa
would often stop by
to see that their "Precious"
was doing alright
At the close of day
He'd ask "Pat my Butt"
Knowing you'd take time
no matter what
He fought hard to beat
the disease he had
And would never complain
of feeling bad
It's certainly not fair
the battle he fought
All those who knew him
took in what he taught
For those who missed out
on life's smallest lesson
We're sorry you missed out
on our biggest blessing
For someone so young
his heart was of Gold
You would never have known
he was just 5 years old

How do you diagnose with tonsil cancer? (john M. Anderson)2013-11-18 08:03

The cancers associated with the tonsil region are malignant in nature in which this location displays connectivity from the head to the guitar shaped neck areas. This efficiency of such region is enhanced with the help of theoropharynx & this is associated with the final minute fraction taking place from the lingua, represented as the finest segment & here initiates the indications of the tonsil cancer.

This forms of tumor shows certain connections with the oral cavity which may occur due to the prolonged usage of tobacco or excess consumption of alcohol on regular basis. The papilloma disorders also play an integral role for the occurrence of such forms of cancerous cells. The HPV mainly attacks on the guitar neck, vulvar regions, below portion of the colon, female reproductive areas etc.

To give an end to the worrying issues, there have been efficient types of treatment measures which have been made available for curing such fatal forms of cancer. It is important that such forms of cancer must be detected at an early stage so that proper & influential medicinal remedies can be provided &prevents the loss of life. The techniques of radiotherapy have been found to be fruitful & are found to be unique for the effective removal of such type of malignant cancerous cells which cause the formation of the symptoms & can achieve relief.


Certain white spots spread around the location amidst the mouth. These often lead to discomfort & are the initial indications which symbolize the formation of the cancerous cells of tonsils. Ulcers begin to form around the tonsil region which pertain up to the lingua & gradually spread among the upper & below portions of your dental areas. Such type of peptic ulcers later interferes with the mechanism of the digestive system. Proper & fundamental medicinal treatments can help to eradicate the presence of such problems in an affected individual. Moreover, a person who has been diagnosed with such fatal ailments must essentially remember that he must not consume alcohol & quit smoking permanently. If he is able to undertake such measures, surely he is able to improvise the quality of his life.

The combination of radiotherapy along with treatment with rays has been immensely beneficial & such measures are highly recommended by the physicians all across the globe. Moreover many such treatments are therefore recommended which are indeed painless & are quite effective.

therapy with main-stream myeloma therapiesand includes with lenalidomide and bortezomib (lisa feng)2013-11-18 08:03

It's able to induce apoptosis in main myeloma cells refractory to therapy with main-stream myeloma therapiesand includes synergistically with lenalidomide and bortezomib in vivo. ONX0912 may be the only permanent proteasome chemical that's orally bio-available. It also indicates activity in myeloma cells resistant to main-stream treatment and improves tumefaction regression in vivo.

Allosteric inhibitors work by getting together with the regulatory sub-units of the 20S proteasome, therefore preventing proteasome purpose low well. Several of those are structurally like the anti-malarial drug chloroquine and their prior approval for medical use may ideally accelerate their screening. Demonstrably, the goal behind developing competitive/allosteric and reversible/irreversible inhibitors would be to boost the anti proteasome effect and stimulate stronger myeloma cell apoptosis while lowering the medical side effect profile but sustaining patient tolerance and simple management.

Pre-clinical information look promising for several the previously discussed techniques, but further clinical studies is likely to be necessary to determine which approach is the better. Along with specifically targeting the proteasome, it might be possible to focus on paths both upstream and downstream of it. Ubiquitin E3 ligases are accountable for the ubiquitination of a number of substrate molecules, resulting in their destruction by the 26S proteasome. Skp1 Cullin F package protein comprises the biggest group of E3 ligases and functions as a scaffolding ensuring the right placement of the substrate and E2 enzyme for ubiquitin move. An inhibitor of SCF known as Compound An and recognized with a high-throughput screen is examined in vitro against myeloma.

Compound A was in a position to over come opposition to dexamethasone, bortezomib, doxorubicin and melphalan, and was complete with bortezomib. In addition it induced autophagy. It's an immediate downstream target of p53 and represents it for destruction. Nutlin 3, which disrupts the relationship between p53 and HDM2, was proven to have chemical cytotoxicity and was examined in conjunction with bortezomib. Additionally to the proteasome, cullin band ligases will also be involved with protein degradation, and the initial step is catalyzed by NEDD8 activating enzymes in the cascade in an identical method to ubiquitin Nutlin-3a. The NAE chemical, MLN4924, was recently examined in myeloma and confirmed exercise against cells both painful and sensitive and resistant to bortezomib, in addition to primary patient cells.

part autophagy performs in cancer may be the issue of some debate (lisa feng)2013-11-18 08:03

the part autophagy performs in cancer may be the issue of some debate. Could it be a protective mechanism resulting in tumor cell survival, or does service of the pathway lead to tumor cell death? The stark reality is that autophagy probably plays a part in both techniques. Their exact function might rely on the phase of the disease, the effect of other signaling pathways, the character of the activating signal, in addition to the extent of cell damage and the genetic makeup of the cell.

Nevertheless, the current view is among autophagy being important in early stages to reduce tumefaction development. But later, when the tumor is set up, it operates to market tumor survival. In the event of myeloma, high degrees of autophagy have now been observed in individual samples and cell lines and it was related to smaller over all and progression free survival. The connection between apoptosis and autophagy further confounds the problem. Does autophagy stimulate or repress apoptosis, or may both procedures be triggered simultaneously and individually?

The character of the interaction between these paths is a must for all of us to further our understanding of cell death with regards to cancer therapy. Demonstrably, several questions remain unanswered but when targeting autophagy will be a viable alternative for cancer, and more particularly myeloma therapy, these questions to be addressed. The unraveling of pathways regulating, and growth of more particular autophagy inhibitors autophagy may go far in assisting handle these problems.

There are lots of other possible targets equally within in addition to in the stress-response and autophagy pathways the UPP, although the growth of proteasome inhibitors has light emitting diode the way in targeting protein managing pathways in myeloma. Several of those targets are early in evidence ofprinciple while other cases have advanced to phase III clinical trials. Bortezomib happens to be the only real proteasome chemical qualified for medical use. Numerous different reversible inhibitors are under-development, including CEP 18770 and MLN9708. MLN9708 continues to be proven to have great pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties and, significantly, revealed activity in xenograft models. CEP 18770 indicates activity in myeloma cell lines and main patient cells and led to complete tumefaction regression in mouse models.

Additionally, mixtures with bortezomib and melphalan avoided, or in the minimum, late tumefaction development in vivo. It has resulted in the development of permanent inhibitors including carfilzomib, peptide synthesis and ONX0912, which target both proteasome and immunoproteasome. Additionally, its low peptidic framework guarantees it's perhaps not degraded by intracellular proteases to which carfilzomib and bortezomib could be subject.


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